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iSonic MVR10 Record Cleaner


Each iSonic system provides:

  • 4 spacers
  • 8-Oz bottle of cleaning solution concentrate
  • box of KimWipes lab grade no-lint tissues
  • 9 circular shaped double-sided tape labels

Using KimWipes to wipe off water is the quickest way to dry records. In addition, each system comes with 9 circular shaped double-sided tape that you can stick 2 label protectors onto records back-to-back to save the handling efforts.

Customers have told iSonic that they enjoy handling the label protectors since it gives them peace of mind. The cleaning time needed on this system to clean 10 records is normally 10 minutes, whereas other record cleaners take 20 minutes to only clean one record, and they retail for a lot more money. The iSonic system is much quieter than other record cleaners, and a lot easier to use.