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Black Cube Statement

The Lehmann Audio Black Cube Statement phono stage is compatible with practically all available cartridges on the market, from High Output MM to Low Output MC cartridges.
Apart from the standard switch settings there is one on board slot that can be fitted with a custom impedance to supply perfect termination even for the most exotic cartridges. Customization possibilities are infinite.

The Black Cube phono stages are analog cult objects around the world and many features that made the Black Cube phono stages famous the world over are now offered by the Black Cube Statement in a new, attractive package at an even more affordable price. This is true for the parts quality as well as for the highly rated audio performance. The original Black Cube phono preamplifier redefined the phono stage market when introduced in 1995 and saw many imitations. Since then Black Cube phono stages have always reached cult tatus. Numerous awards and countless positive reviews on all five continents clearly underline the success.

The Lehmannaudio Black Cube Statement phono stage is compatible with practically all available cartridges on the market from High Output MM to low output MC cartridges. Apart from the standard switch settings one onboard slot can be fitted with a custom impedance to supply perfect termination even for the most exotic cartridges. Customisation possibilities are practically infinite. No more need for expensive impedance plugs! The entirely passive RIAA equalization network of the Black Cube Statement is realized with high precision foil
capacitors for better panorama stability. Bass coupling between the two linear gain stages is even realized with an MKP type to maintain the best possible transient reproduction. All resistors are of the low noise metal film variety. The switches for gain and load settings have gold plated contects.

Because of the small outer dimensions the Black Cube Statement can be placed next to the turntable. This minimises loss due to cable lengths. The external power supply keeps magnetic interference away from the audio section.

Lehmann Audio has always been paying special attention to details: the case of the audio section is made of nonmagnetic materials and is even equipped with a top cover with a special anti-resonance treatment. The Black Cube Statement is the statement product of its price class. Hear one now!